C/ Tuset, 20, 4º
08006 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 93 368 76 68
Fax (+34) 93 237 33 92

Legal notice

Some believe that tax compliance is easy, until the tax audit starts

This website is the exclusive property of the Javier Valls Abogados law office, owned by Javier Valls Aracil, attorney at law and member of the Barcelona Bar Association. The presentation and contents of this website are protected by copyright, and any reproduction or use in any form of all or any part of it is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of this firm. The contents of this website are merely for information purposes and do not constitute legal advice. Consequently, you should not act based on any information on the website without first consulting a lawyer about your particular situation or case.

Javier Valls Abogados is the owner of the elements comprising this website: source code, navigation structure, database, content and graphic design (menus, navigation buttons, text, textures, graphics, etc.).

The images used on this website are the property of this firm, or have had permission granted by their legal owners for use on this site. The videos posted on the “Why Barcelona?” section of this website have the written authorisation of their legitimate owners.

We reserve the right to make any changes to this website that we deem necessary without prior notice.

In the event of a dispute between our office and one of our clients, whether resident in Spain or abroad, the Courts of the city of Barcelona shall be deemed competent, provided that a different venue has not been expressly agreed in writing by both parties. In any event, our office will seek to resolve any such dispute by submitting them to the arbitration procedure provided by the Barcelona Bar Association.

Privacy policy

Personal data submitted on this website via our contact form will be treated with the strictest confidentiality by our law firm, pursuant to the law in force, and shall not be transferred to any third parties alien to us. This data will be used for the sole purpose of allowing us to contact and offer him our legal services. It will not be used to subscribe the user to any mailing lists for the purpose of sending marketing communications.

Cookies policy

Our website uses cookies to analyse the navigation data from our visitors. Cookies are files which are installed on the user’s system from which the website is visited, with the aim of gathering information regarding the number of pages visited, the language chosen, the location the site was visited from, the frequency and recurrence of visits, etc. Google Analytics is the application used on this website.

To view, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer, it is recommended that you check the settings of the browser installed on your computer. To find out more about cookies and the settings for the most common browsers, click for Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.

Notice of fraudulent or scam emails

In recent years, the name of this office or of Javier Valls has occasionally been used to send emails with fraudulent content to persons who had not requested legal advice.

The usual purpose of such fraudulent emails is, amongst others, to request money to make some kind of investment in a foreign country, or to communicate an inheritance to the recipient, which requires the prior sending of money.

Such emails usually contain one or more documents attached with an apparently official format, which contain the name of Javier Valls, a signature, and a number of official-looking stamps. The recipients of such emails can be of any age and reside in any country in the world. It can also be the case that such emails contain a link to another website that fraudulently uses the name of our office, and may have even copied text and/or images from the authentic website.

These emails have no relation whatsoever to this office, and must be deleted upon receipt, as they take advantage of people’s good faith for the sole purpose of illicit enrichmen.

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