C/ Tuset, 20, 4º
08006 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 93 368 76 68
Fax (+34) 93 237 33 92
We advice multinationals because we are not one of them
Illegality of automatic penalities in spain in the event of new VAT returns modifying previous ones
Risks in the acquisition of the status of business established in Spain for more expedient VAT refunds
What we must not forget: input VAT before and after the business activity is always deductible in Spain
The deduction of input VAT in Spain is only possible if the transaction carried out is mentioned in the invoice
On the obligation of outputting VAT within a period of one year and the non-deductibility of input VAT if inputting is made past the deadline
Claiming in the country of residence the import of tax credits granted by foreign countries on income obtained in such foreign countries, unless in the case of hidden discrimination, contravenes EC law
VAT refund in Spain as a right which does not lapse after more than four years
New plans in the design of European Community VAT: the extension of the “one stop shop” for intra-community transactions